Special Web feature

National Driller July 2005 e-Newsletter

EPA's Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds Sustainable Finance Team is sponsoring a half-day Watershed Funding Workshop on August 3, 2005 12:30 to 4:30 pm for Washington, D.C. area watershed organizations. There will be a demonstration of three watershed funding tools, including Plan2Fund, the Directory of Watershed Resources, and the Catalog of Federal Funding Sources.

Plan2Fund is a watershed-planning tool that aids organizations in identifying necessary funding for their watershed program plans. The Directory of Watershed Resources and the Catalog of Federal Funding for Watershed Protection are searchable online databases designed to help organizations learn about funding opportunities available for watershed projects.

There also will be a panel of funding professionals speaking about corporate, private, federal and foundation funding options. Please view www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/funding_workshop.pdf for further details and registration information. You also can visit EPA's Web site at www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/funding.html for additional information about watershed funding.