Pentair Inc. and its Foundation have announced a $175,000 grant to the WateReuse Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization that conducts and promotes applied research on the reclamation, recycling, reuse and desalination of water. The grant funds two research projects that promote on-site water recycling systems and evaluate graywater treatments for more widespread adoption.

"Pentair and our Foundation are committed to offering the communities in which we operate the knowledge and vehicles to reuse water," says Susan Carter, manager, Pentair Foundation. "The WateReuse Research Foundation has demonstrated an expertise in water reuse and our communities' future water needs, and we're excited to collaborate with them."

The first project, a $125,000 grant, will provide guidance for implementing water reuse in new buildings and developments to achieve sustainability goals. The project's end result, a "guidance document," will help arm developers and architects with methods to implement satellite water recycling systems for new and mixed-use developments. Satellite treatment systems, which are onsite, stand-alone technologies, harvest and treat rainwater and graywater – including wash water from sinks, showers and washing machines – and present one of the strongest growth opportunities for sustainable recycled water applications. Reusing graywater can reduce the demand for municipally treated water by 30 to 60 percent. The findings will be shared with the U.S. Green Building Council, and are applicable to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) credits.

Pentair has also granted $50,000 to the WateReuse Research Foundation to examine graywater treatment technologies in the United States. After evaluating raw and post graywater treatment, the WateReuse Research Foundation anticipates that its research will help determine treatment reliability and success – and help assess the potential benefits of expanded treatment and use.

Both projects are under way and are expected to be completed at the end of 2010, with results available in 2011.