The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) has announced that Dan Brown is the recipient of the DFI 2011 Distinguished Service Award (DSA). The award, in its 31st year, honors individuals chosen by their peers for exceptional contributions to DFI and to the industry. Brown began his career with a B.S. from Georgia Tech, and later received his Ph.D. at the University of Texas in only 28 months, while working. He then taught at Auburn University for 22 years before setting up his own consulting firm in Tennessee. The Winter 2011 issue of the DFI magazine included a profile of Brown that chronicled the universal admiration and regard for him within the industry. He was cited by others for his expertise, his intelligence and ability to teach others. Brown and his firm are sought out for advice everywhere.

Brown did not become a DFI member until 2003 when he met Dick Short on an FHWA tour to examine European geotechnical engineering practices. Short, who was the DSA recipient in 2010, immediately recognized Brown’s superior qualities, saying of his successor, that he has the “perfect combination of technical expertise, practical common sense, superior speaking ability, and a great sense of humor.” Short encouraged Brown to join DFI, and in the years since he did, Brown has made his mark. He became a trustee in 2005. He also almost single-handedly began theDFI Journal.

Over the years, Brown has worked hard in professional activities in the foundations arena, including the Deep Foundations Committee of the Geo-Institute, the Pile Driving Contractors Association and ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling.

In other areas, Brown is well-known for his passion for motorcycles, as well as for his intellect and his tireless work for the geotechnical profession. He also is known for his down-to-earth manner and accessibility.