BNP Media, parent company ofNational Driller, has entered into a partnership with Mike Rowe, host of cable show “Dirty Jobs,” to supply blogs for his Web site, “Trades Hub.” The site is dedicated to championing the cause of the skilled trades.

Rowe has apprenticed at nearly 300 job sites during the course of hosting “Dirty Jobs.” Through those experiences, combined with a legacy of a carpenter grandfather, Rowe developed a passion for the skilled trades.

Rowe launched his “mikeroweWORKS” Web site in 2008, providing resources, news and a community forum for all kinds of trade workers. With the launch of sister site “Trades Hub,” Rowe is connecting tradesmen and women from even more trades by providing additional content from a number of selected trade media.

A big component of “Trades Hub” is the addition of hundreds of blogs written to help trades folk become better at their jobs, run their companies more efficiently, and develop the next generation of skilled trade workers.

The site is dedicated to providing high-quality trades-focused content, centralized information, and business- and career-building news and stories. In short, “Trades Hub” will be collecting all kinds of blogs, articles and news stories relating to the trades, by the trades, and for the trades.

Check it out at