The National Ground Water Research and Educational Foundation (NGWREF) has launched a major fund-raising campaign to underwrite national and international ground water projects.

“This is the first major campaign the Foundation has undertaken in nearly 16 years. Our ultimate goal is to raise at least $3 million over the next 18 months,” says Steve Schneider, MGWC, president of NGWREF. Schneider stresses that 100 percent of funds raised will go to foundation programs.

A range of programs provide excellent opportunities for those interested in supporting ground water initiatives that benefit people and the environment, says NGWREF Vice President Art Becker, MGWC, CPG.

The Foundation will continue to seek support for programs such as ground water research, the Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture Series in Groundwater Science, and the William A. McEllhiney Distinguished Lecture Series in Water Well Technology. However, NGWREF proposes to fund a number of new programs as well.

“For example, in our Developing Nations projects, we will not only continue to help drill water wells for people in need, but we will also offer training and operating standards to help set up ongoing maintenance projects, too,” says Becker. “This will help increase the sustainability of the water well programs – a serious issue of many water well projects around the world.

“We also want to start a domestic assistance program through our Water Wells for America program, where we can help elderly people and other special populations in rural areas with their water well needs,” he continues.

Following are the campaign funding areas:
  • Workforce Development, $1.25 million, which includes the lecture series and NGWREF’s two scholarship programs
  • USA Groundwater Fund, $1 million, which includes the domestic water well assistance program, public education programs focusing on ground water and water wells, and education and training for ground water professionals
  • Developing Nations Fund, $500,000, which includes the international ground water supply projects, and education and training
  • Groundwater Research Fund, $150,000, which finances new research considered important to understanding ground water resources and water well systems
  • 21st Century Fund, which allows donors to make flexible, unrestricted gifts to meet funding opportunities that arise.
“Persons interested in learning more about the NGWREF campaign can obtain a campaign booklet online,” says Kevin McCray, CAE, the National Ground Water Association’s CEO and NGWREF liaison.

Learn more online about NGWREF, or call 800-551-7379.