Four free online lessons are available to household water well owners at the National Ground Water Associationwebsite.

The lessons were developed by NGWA with support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Well owners can register by going to or using the links below:

Other online well owner lessons previously made available cover what to test your water for, how to get a test and interpret the results, and the basics of water treatment. Well owners also can access two recorded webinars on water testing and water treatment.

NGWA Public Awareness Director Cliff Treyens encourages household water well owners to take advantage of these resources, the toll-free Private Well Owner Hotline at (855)420-9355, and the free monthly e-mailed Private Well Owner Tip Sheet.

NGWA is a nonprofit that supports responsible development, management and use of water resources. It’s comprised of groundwater professionals ranging from contractors to equipment manufacturers to scientists and engineers. For more information, visit